Plato Problems

Stout - Imperial / Double • 6,8% ABV
  • Plato Problems, Introducing one of the biggest imperial stouts we have ever done here at Brus. Plato is the unit used in the brewing world to measure sugar content of liquids. This beer started at over 30 plato and finished around 11 plato. The result of all of these numbers is a thick, viscous imperial stout. Built on a solid layer of danish malt, we then loaded as many flaked oats and and much roasted and caramel malt into our brewhouse as possible. And then just a touch of lactose. It was then fermented and treated with a 50/50 split of toasted and raw cacao nibs, vanilla and wonderful Kenyan espresso coffee from Coffee Collective.
  • Пивоварня: BRUS
  • Стиль: Stout - Imperial / Double
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 14.10.2020
  • Оценка: 3.79
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