Nebula, Hazy IPA + Fruit Aromas + Low Bitterness
A Hazy IPA with low bitterness, but big hop character. We like to make beers we like to drink - this is one style we can’t ignore. Sit back and enjoy our tropical-breakfast-juice-like IPA packed with exciting new hops.
Nebula is a showcase of yeast embracing hops. The Vermont Ale Yeast, is responsible for the hazy appearance as it clings to the hop particles left over from extreme dry hopping. The yeast actually contributes a whole host of fruity esters, which can come across as peachy by themselves but in the end they blend seamlessly into the tropical hop profile we have selected.
Golden Promise, Oats
Vic Secret, Huell Melon, German Cascade
Vermont Ale Yeast
The Wild Beer Co
Стиль: IPA - New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 5,0%
Горечь: 20 IBU
Начало выпуска: 09.12.2017
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