Beyond Modus VII, To go “Beyond Modus” for this year we have added in barrels of sour cherry beer. Our favourite character of Modus Operandi is the beautiful notes of cherry pie, we thought amplifying this flavour would be a fun direction to take this year’s project.
For the cherry beer, the cherries were freshly picked for us direct from the farm, then de-stemmed and hand crushed at the brewery. By infusing 1.5 tonnes of whole cherries, it delivered a briskly tart and fruity beer with a hint of almond to finish.
We then set about blending barrels of Modus Operandi with barrels of our cherry beer, ending up with a 75/25 split of Modus Operandi / Cherry. The result is an amalgamation of complexities and layers from the variety of different barrels used, with the cherries bringing a punchy juiciness and a succulence to finish.
The Wild Beer Co
Стиль: Sour - Flanders Red Ale
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 12 IBU
Начало выпуска: 26.09.2020
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