Ex Cathedra, Barrel aged quadruple ale with ginger & orange.
The Holiest protector of dogmas, doctrines, faith, and spirituality, the Pontiff is in charge of it all. He's got his own Italian city and a bullet-proof Popemobile to take him wherever he wants. And he answers only to the big guy upstairs. Dude's living large, all the while acting as The Rose to the world's moral compass.
That's a ton of pressure being the wisest sage in the land and having your finger on the trigger of Ex Cathedra, Maybe it causes him to throw back a few glasses of the Sacrament from time to time? Lord knows if we were in that situation, we'd tipple to.
The Lost Abbey
Стиль: Belgian Quadrupel
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 22.04.2017
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