

Cider - Dry • 4,5% ABV
  • Rascal, Legend has it that every night, under the cover of darkness, a wily old fox crept out of his den at the bottom of our orchard, and tiptoed his way to the cider store to help himself to fresh supplies. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn't keep the Fox away from his favourite tipple. You'd regularly hear the cry "The old rascal's been at it again!" - and so the name 'Old Rascal' was born. Old Rascal's full bodied character comes from our choice of bittersweet apples including Redstreak, Dabinett and Tremlett's, creating this medium dry cider's distinctive flavour.
  • Пивоварня: Thatchers
  • Стиль: Cider - Dry
  • Алкоголь: 4,5%
  • Производство: постоянный выпуск
  • Оценка: 3.568
Места продажи пива

Сейчас это пиво не продаётся в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

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