Stone Neverending Haze IPA, There’s a lot ‘neverending’ about IPAs around Stone. Beginning with Stone IPA being one of the very first and most popular West Coast style IPAs on the planet, to our celebrated explorations of double IPAs, session IPAs, fruited IPAs and ultra-fresh triple IPAs, they’re an integral part of our legacy. Plus there’s the oft-said (but not actually true) comments from some that “All Stone does is IPAs.” Ha! Yes, we may love them passionately and perpetually be on a quest for IPA nirvana, but this particular one actually happened onto the scene to aid in your noble pursuit of neverending good times.
Stone Brewing
Стиль: IPA - Session
Алкоголь: 4,0%
Горечь: 35 IBU
постоянный выпуск
Начало выпуска: 25.09.2019
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