Sidra Trabanco

Sidra Trabanco Cosecha Propia

Cider - Traditional / Apfelwein • 6,0% ABV
  • Sidra Trabanco Cosecha Propia, Naturally fermented cider made only from local Asturian apples, selected by AACOMASI, the Asturian Association of Cider Apple Growers. The production process is checked and certified by ECA, the Certification and Quality Guarantee Organization, who ensure that the whole process has been followed through and is implemented according to the guidelines leading to the award of the ‘Naturally Fermented Quality Cider’ stamp of approval. Colour: Lemony-yellow on green. Bubbly on pouring. Pours well. Fruity, unripened apple bouquet. Nuances of dried roses with a hint of freshly churned butter, with a pleasant, tart taste. After tastes of citrus fruit, grapefruit and lemon linger on the palate.
  • Пивоварня: Sidra Trabanco
  • Стиль: Cider - Traditional / Apfelwein
  • Алкоголь: 6,0%
  • Начало выпуска: 05.04.2012
  • Оценка: 3.726
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