Proclamation Ale Company

Derivative | Galaxy

Pale Ale - American • 6,0% ABV
  • Derivative | Galaxy, Notes of orange, tangerine, papaya, earthy, anise This beer is a unique snowflake; a Unicorn on a farm of Shetland ponies; a complete original that we at Proclamation Ale Company came up with entirely by ourselves, by our own creative volition, without any outside inspiration whatever! Wow! Check this out: we got this awesome idea to take barley, make a sugary tea with it, ferment it with yeast, and then throw a ton of sexy, nouveau hops in it!! (Note: we named the hops Galaxy when we invented them) NOTHING LIKE THIS HAS EVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!!! Enjoy this beer because you will never drink another one like this again!! EVER!!!
  • Пивоварня: Proclamation Ale Company
  • Стиль: Pale Ale - American
  • Алкоголь: 6,0%
  • Начало выпуска: 27.06.2015
  • Оценка: 4.06
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