Hämarik, Collaboration with Other Half. An Imperial Baltic Porter brewed with rye malt, Tahitian vanilla beans, and Brazilian coffee.
Taste: Freshly brewed coffee with sweet biscuit and toasted bread mixes with a rich vanilla frosted espresso cake character. Cherries and a light touch of almonds come through as well as fruity dark rum notes. Sweet sticky toffee and coconut joins in, with just enough bitterness to balance it all out, and leaves the elegant taste of a freshly toasted cardamon bun on the tongue.
Appearance: Thick and jet black, with a brief brown head.
Nose: Initially the aroma is a beautiful hazelnut-laden mocha bomb with huge roasty Brazilian coffee notes and rich, sweet vanilla and elements of juicy red fruits. Honey and treacle join in, inviting you in.
Malts: Pale malt, Munich malt, Carafa special type 2, Special B, Chocolate malt, Cara 300, Flaked rye, Cara 150, Chocolate rye, Peat smoked rye malt, Pear smoked rye malt, Demerara sugar
× Other Half
Стиль: Porter - Imperial / Double Baltic
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 50 IBU
Начало выпуска: 29.05.2019
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