  • Our Cake Is A Lie, This double mashed, three hour boiled, 10.5% ABV liquid Doberge Cake inspired stout was brewed in collaboration with our good friends @theanswerva right here in Broussard, Louisiana. We channeled their hedonistic energy of irresponsible adjunct usage and infused raw Ghana cacao in the whirlpool, fermenter, and brite tank (totaling 30lbs/bbl of nibs). For even further enhancement, we added both Madagascar and Tahitian vanilla to emulate the delicate and airy nature of fresh cake.
  • Пивоварни: Parish Brewing Co. × The Answer
  • Стиль: Stout - Imperial / Double Pastry
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 14.12.2018
  • Оценка: 4.414
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DDH Ghost In the Machine

Parish Brewing Co.

IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy
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