
Cosmic Strawberry & Vanilla

Sour - Fruited • 6,7% ABV • 15 IBU
  • Cosmic Strawberry & Vanilla, This Scottish Sour Ale was brewed using a variety of malted barley, malted wheat and malted oats. One variety of hop was added to the kettle during the boil. The base liquid then was fermented with our house strains of Brettanomyces yeast. We then transferred the liquid to an Italian foeder for 12 months where time worked its magic. Strawberries are added for the refermentation and then we infused vanilla in the beer, resulting in a delicate, fruity and balanced sour ale.
  • Пивоварня: OverWorks
  • Стиль: Sour - Fruited
  • Алкоголь: 6,7%
  • Горечь: 15 IBU
  • Начало выпуска: 07.09.2020
  • Оценка: 3.723
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