Nevel Wild Ales


Wild Ale - Other • 4,5% ABV
  • Purper, Purper - Barrel-aged aged wild light beer with buckwheat, lavender and aronia. Nostalgic, soft and tart beer, aged for 3 months on oak barrels. We concocted something that has "gezellig" written all over it. Purper is best described as a childhood visit to your dearest granny. Remember how she baked you pancakes with cinnamon and syrup, while her homemade apple pie was cooling in the window sill? There was an old persian rug in the hallway, small potpourri bags in her linen closet and she grew fragrant roses and lavender in her garden. All these homy scents and flavours can be found in Purper, quite possibly the most nostalgic beer you've ever tasted. It is a dry, mildly bitter wild ale with a light malt body and intense aromatics that are reminiscent of apple pie. The lavender is laced through this beer in a warm, subtle way; a roselike floral presence with a hint of cinnamon. [Batch #4: bottled on 11 APR 2022] [Batch #3: bottled on 11 NOV 2020] [Batch #2: bottled on 5 NOV 2019] [Batch #1: bottled on 2 AUG 2018]
  • Пивоварня: Nevel Wild Ales
  • Стиль: Wild Ale - Other
  • Алкоголь: 4,5%
  • Начало выпуска: 05.09.2018
  • Оценка: 3.672
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Wild Ale - Other
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