Miller Brewing Company

Miller Lite

Lager - American Light • 4,2% ABV • 10 IBU
  • Miller Lite, Our flagship brand, Miller Lite, is the great tasting, less filling beer that defined the American light beer category in 1975. We deliver a clear, simple message to consumers: \Miller Lite is the better beer choice.\" What's our proof? 1) Miller Lite is the original light beer. 2) Miller Lite has real beer taste because it's never watered down. 3) Miller Lite is the only beer to win four gold awards in the World Beer Cup for best American-style light lager. (2006)
  • Пивоварня: Miller Brewing Company
  • Стиль: Lager - American Light
  • Алкоголь: 4,2%
  • Горечь: 10 IBU
  • Начало выпуска: 21.08.2010
  • Рейтинг: 2,545
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