Samuel Smiths Organic Apricot Fruit Beer
Fruit Beer
• 5,1% ABV
• 14 IBU
Samuel Smiths Organic Apricot Fruit Beer, Handcrafted at the tiny All Saints Brewery set in a time warp in Stamford using the old manually operated brewing equipment. Finest organically grown barley and wheat are used to create a complex ale which, having undergone primary and secondary fermentation with different yeasts and extended maturation, is taken to Samuel Smith’s small, independent British brewery at Tadcaster. There it is blended with pure organic cherry, strawberry, raspberry or apricot fruit juices and more organic beer to create fruit beers of considerable strength and flavour. The smooth distinctive character of the matured beer serves as the perfect counterpoint to the pure organic fruit juice.
Melbourn Bros’ All Saints Brewery
Стиль: Fruit Beer
Алкоголь: 5,1%
Горечь: 14 IBU
Начало выпуска: 13.01.2012
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