Creepetry, NE-style IPA w\ Simcoe and Mandarina Bavaria on DH//Dolls are always a bit creepy, puppets even more so. Over the years a puppet absorbs bits and pieces of human emotions, feelings, desires. The creepiest puppets serve as vessels of the most despicable emanations imbuing them with dark energy. Clever puppeteer use them so they appear living cratures behaving the way people do so spectators would lose themselves in the show. That is when people come under the puppeteer's spell, ready to do his bidding.
Lux in Tenebris
Стиль: IPA - New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 6,5%
Горечь: 45 IBU
Simcoe, Mandarina Bavaria
Начало выпуска: 04.12.2020
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