Лідскае Идеалъ, Light beer "LIDSKAE Ideal" is made in honor of the 145th anniversary of the Lidskae brewery."LIDSKAE Ideal" is based on an old Bavarian recipe, brought personally by Nosel Pupko at the beginning of the 20th century. To get as close as possible to the taste of that time, our brewermaster uses Munich malt and special aromatic hops. Thanks to these ingredients, "LIDSKAE Ideal" has a rich sweet taste and mild hop bitterness. "LIDSKAE Ideal" also has a special package, because this bottle is an exact replica of the early 20th century bottle with embossment that contains main elements from old label of Ideal. The tradition to produce beer in a specially designed bottles was also started by Nosel Pupko., Лидское Идеалъ, Лидское Идеал, Лідскае Ідэал
Лідскае піва
Стиль: Lager - Euro Pale
Алкоголь: 5,0%
Горечь: 13 IBU
постоянный выпуск
Начало выпуска: 15.02.2021
Минск, пр-т. Независимости, 164
+375 44 585-37-77
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