Lervig × Brasserie de la Senne

Soupe Du Jour

Farmhouse Ale - Grisette • 4,7% ABV
  • Soupe Du Jour, DOUBLE DRY-HOPPED GRISETTE 4.7% Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with Brasserie de la Senne that was brewed to be paired with any of the thousands of dishes served at Norway’s biggest food festival, Gladmat. It has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and citrus flavour from Loral hops added during fermentation. It’s super drinkable and just like Soup of the Day, it should be on every menu.
  • Пивоварни: Lervig × Brasserie de la Senne
  • Стиль: Farmhouse Ale - Grisette
  • Алкоголь: 4,7%
  • Начало выпуска: 24.06.2022
  • Рейтинг: 3,356
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