Plūmju Mežonis 2020 (Plum Wildling), A unique beer made by giving fresh wort to some wild yeast from last year. After almost a year of slow fermentation, in August we added whole plums to the beer in a ratio of 1/4, and further matured it on plum wood chips. The foreground of the taste of this drink is softly dry, where the sweet smokiness of roasted plum wood chips intertwines with the smell of lightly dried plums. This sweetness is well balanced by the spiciness of wild yeast esters and light acidity, which gives the drink a pleasant stewed fruit feel without the characteristic slippery mouthfeel.
Стиль: Wild Ale - Other
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 01.11.2021
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