Jackie O's Brewery

Cellar Cuvee 11 (2020)

Barleywine - Other • 6,8% ABV
  • Cellar Cuvee 11 (2020), The Cellar Cuvee project is based on the art of blending. multiple strong ales are married together after aging in oak barrels in our cellar. Cellar Cuvee 11 is a blend of five distinct barley wine style barrel aged beers. Dark to pale, hoppy to malty sweet, all were aged in bourbon barrels. This is a heartfelt tribute to a style that is too often overlooked and underappreciated. Reward yourself with notes of honeycomb toffee, bread pudding, and aged spirit by letting this decadent blend warm in the glass.
  • Пивоварня: Jackie O's Brewery
  • Стиль: Barleywine - Other
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 03.04.2020
  • Оценка: N/A
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