  • Antik (2017), Imperial Porter brewed with honey and aged in bourbon barrels This was an exciting collaborative brew with our dear friends at To Øl Brewery based in Denmark. A rich and robust imperial porter served as the canvas for over 120 gallons local wildflower honey. After resting in bourbon barrels for over a year, this beer drinks like a sweet digestif with notes of honey, oak, baker’s chocolate, and bourbon barrel.
  • Пивоварни: Jackie O's Brewery × To Øl
  • Стиль: Porter - Imperial / Double
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 31.12.2017
  • Оценка: N/A
Места продажи пива
Минск, пр-т. Независимости, 185
Телефон: +375 29 640-53-63
0,33 л. (Бутылка)
Br 125,00
Отзывы: 0
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