Postman's Plum Porter, In the true spirit of keeping things local, Hobsons have created a Plum Porter with a twist by using Shropshire Prune Damsons.
The Shropshire Prune has been described as the essence of ‘plum’ and is possibly the oldest known variety of damson in the UK. This porter delivers on provenance and intense flavour, a delicate balance of rich damson and roast malt sweetness. This special delivery based on Hobsons Postman's Knock not only celebrates the quintessential Shropshire Prune but also the anniversary of Simon Evans. This year marked 120 years since the birth of Simon Evans, who settled in Cleobury Mortimer after returning from World War 1 and made a name as a poet postman.
Hobsons Brewery
Стиль: Porter - English
Алкоголь: 5,0%
Начало выпуска: 05.11.2015
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