Monster Party E.2, This cloudy IPA (7.1%) is a nice, smooth beer with a creamy head and excellent retention. We brewed it with Simcoe, Chinook, Mosaic and Mosaic Lupomax hops.
The flavour is a mix of tropical fruits (overripe oranges, peaches, melons and papaya) with hints of resinous aromas from the hops, it has a low malty aroma and a cereal like profile. Additional 16g per litre dry hopping gives you an overall intense hoppy experience.
Quite bitter and a bit boozy, it's not your everyday beer, but one to enjoy on a special occasion.
This is the second episode of our Monster Party collaboration with our friends from Analog and Unverhopft.
Gorilla Cervecería Berlin
× Unverhopft
Стиль: IPA - American
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 52 IBU
Начало выпуска: 25.10.2021
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