WHEELS OFF, We were delighted with the public response to the first Bitter that we made last year, Fake Tourist. Due to it's success and the fact that bitter is a beer style that we love to drink, we are making another one. And this time some of it will go to can. Despite being a simple beer style there are many little tweaks that can be made that can change the overall impression of the beer. Not ones to stand still, we wanted to try out some other bitter recipes while keep the core tenets there, rich malt character balanced perfectly by earthy, marmaladey hops for incredible drinkability. Sticking to a base of Maris Otter for nutty goodness, we have complimented it with Biscuit Malt to give a light toast and amplify the chewy malt character.
Garage Beer Co.
Стиль: Bitter - Session / Ordinary
Алкоголь: 4,0%
Начало выпуска: 13.01.2022
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