APORIA, We've been longing to do a higher abv non pastry stout for a long time now and finally here it is. Our Coffee Export Stout. Absolutely packed with an immense malt bill of no less than 6 different malts plus roasted barley, loads of flaked oats and beautiful coffee from our local coffee roasting friends, Three Marks Coffee. This is one for the malt lovers..... And the coffee lovers. A luscious, creamy mouthfeel from the oat packed grist frames malt flavours of coffee, dark chocolate, licorice and a touch of smokey caramel. A touch of pleasing roast astringency is present but kept well in check to enhance drinkiability. With so much dark chocolate and coffee action going on from the dark malts, the coffee selection and addition was important
Garage Beer Co.
Стиль: Stout - Foreign / Export
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 09.12.2020
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