Sparklepuff, Galaxy Starfighter Defender of the Universe
IPA - Triple
• 6,8% ABV
• 37 IBU
Sparklepuff, Galaxy Starfighter Defender of the Universe, Exploring reams of deep, dank space with the Rule of 3 in its DNA, Sparklefluff launches with a payload of smashed summer peaches for cushions of fierce malty fluff behind a force field of hops. Three times dryhopped, triple the hop flavour and thrice the aroma, the 10.2% alcohol by volume of this unfiltered adventure glimmers with the epic glory of Sparklefluff, Galaxy Star Fighter Defender of the Universe. Note: Please be prepared for lots of special treats in the bottom of the can. Give it a good shake 15 minutes before consuming :)
Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery
Стиль: IPA - Triple
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 37 IBU
Начало выпуска: 30.01.2019
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