Step Up, Hold on a second! It’s the 21st century and we’re not here to talk diversity, we’re here to make a difference. Step Up is a delicious beer that is gonna help change who the beer industry represents, and what it needs to be.
With 5% of the proceeds donated to charities and causes that help those facing society’s biggest hurdles, and the remaining proceeds split 50/50 between Rock Leopard and Cloudwater, every can and every glass helps us make a difference.
Aroma & Flavour:
Roasted malt, coffee and light smoke on the nose, with flavours of soft caramel, plum and brown toast
Medium-bodied and smooth, with a dry finish
Bitter roasted notes and dark chocolate
× Rock Leopard Brewing Co.
Стиль: Stout - English
Алкоголь: 5,0%
Начало выпуска: 05.03.2020
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