Odysseus, This beer is a 10% Vic Secret and Citra loaded IIIPA. It is dangerously smooth- like the sweetness of a Siren’s song. It has loads of pineapple and mango flavor -as tropical and lush as Calypso’s island, with a hint of dankness -to remember the dangers of staying forever in “paradise”. It has an imperceptible ABV, a creamy mouthfeel of soft ocean whitecaps, and is as juicy as the drama surrounding Penelope’s suitors.
We call it “zero IBU” because hops were only added in the dry hop process. None were added on the hot side (where hops are generally added for bittering purposes). This process allows for extra smooth, ultra juicy flavors with very little punch in the back of your jaw. It just oozes of tropical pineapple and mango and loads of citrus. It’s a different experience than many of our hazies, and is a sneaky 10% so be careful.
Celestial Beerworks
Стиль: IPA - Triple New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 27.04.2019
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