Muddler Mojito Gose, Muddler is a fresh and delicious collaboration with Ukrainian wort wizards, Varvar Brewing.
Varvar recently undertook a UK tour, brewing with some of the UK's best craft breweries. For their visit to Liverpool, we developed a cocktail beer to celebrate our new friendship, using an amplified version of our house Gose recipe as a base.
Muddler is a strong sour ale and we added Dulse seaweed harvested on the coastline of Antrim to give a respectable dose of saltiness. We then added maple syrup for a slightly sweet flavour and muddled together 10kg of lime zest and a fresh mint tincture to give the beer a zingy and fresh aroma and flavour profile.
The label is designed by our very own Georgemma Hunt @georgemma_hunt
Carnival Brewing Company
× Varvar Brew
Стиль: Sour - Other Gose
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 10 IBU
Начало выпуска: 10.01.2022
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