Budweiser Budvar B:Cherry / Czechvar Dark Cherry Lager
Fruit Beer
• 4,4% ABV
• 30 IBU
Budweiser Budvar B:Cherry / Czechvar Dark Cherry Lager, It is proper lager with an ABV of 4.4 %, which makes it substantially different from Radler style beers. Owing to the 13 % content of wild cherry juice, the lager is black and velvet red with a firm froth that leaves circles on the glass. The stone of wild cherry and roasted malt of dark lager can be distinguished in the aroma. Directly after a sip, the flavour is pungently sour with an almond aroma of stones, yet quickly turning into a slightly astringent flavour of wild cherry and a bitter flavour of roasted malt, which leaves a bitterness of dark chocolate in the mouth, resulting in an urge to keep drinking in small sips.
Budějovický Budvar
Стиль: Fruit Beer
Алкоголь: 4,4%
Горечь: 30 IBU
Начало выпуска: 08.10.2013
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