  • Cherry Me, We used a new technology at the Browar Stu Mostów, which involves preparing the mash in two stages. First, we made a brew from which we obtained a fairly thick wort. Then we poured another batch of malt into the resulting wort, which resulted in a very high concentration of both sugars and flavor in the resulting wort. This is definitely a more difficult technique than the one we have used so far, but the results will surprise you! This time we limit the cooking time which affects less caramelization of the sugar and the discovery of the underlying maltiness. The sizable addition of lactose emphasizes the dessertiness of this beer, and the addition of cherries and vanilla crown the whole dessert. ----- Zastosowaliśmy nową technologię w Browarze Stu Mostów, tym razem ograniczamy czas gotowania co wpływa na mniejszą karmelizację cukru oraz na odkrycie bazowej słodowości. Spory dodatek laktozy podkreśla deserowość tego piwa, a dodatek w postaci wiśni i wanilii wieńczą cały deser.
  • Пивоварня: Browar Stu Mostów
  • Стиль: Stout - Imperial / Double Pastry
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 12.10.2022
  • Оценка: 3.875
Места продажи пива

Сейчас это пиво не продаётся в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

Пиво Cherry Me можно купить в городе Вроцлав.

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