Komes Porter Bałtycki, Komes Porter Bałtycki was awarded a bronze
medal at the World Beer Cup® 2014.
Gold Medal at the European Beer Star 2013
for best beer in the Baltic Porters category.
Komes Porter reflects the history of brewing, referring to the 18th century tradition of brewing porters in the Baltic states. At their prime, Baltic porters represented one third of the market, which is the best evidence of their popularity. We offer you a well-balanced, dark, strong beer with a distinct flavour. Slow fermentation at low temperatures in open vats, coupled with long (at least 3 months) maturation have resulted in the beer’s character and complete, complex nature. The Porter’s bouquet matures further in the bottle. Time is on its side. 21°Blg
Browar Fortuna
Стиль: Porter - Baltic
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 14.08.2012
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