Malheur 10° (Millennium), Malheur 10° is also called Malheur Millennium (MM). MM is the year 2000 in Roman numerals. This beer was actually introduced to the market in the year 2000.
Beer connoisseur Michael Jackson (The Beer Hunter www.beerhunter.com) describes the aroma of the blonde Malheur 10° as “a pinkish peach with notes of spicy orange and lemon peel. The beer literally boasts a bright yellow colour and a rich honey texture, it is somewhat oily too but with incredible body and a bitter sour note in the warm aftertaste. In short this blonde tasting beer that contains 10% alcohol by volume will delight beer enthusiasts the world over”.
Brouwerij Malheur
Стиль: Belgian Strong Golden Ale
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 32 IBU
Начало выпуска: 21.08.2010
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