Gouden Carolus Indulgence 2018 - Hopscure, Gouden Carolus Indulgence [Indulgence, noun, \in-’dәl-jәn(t)s\ something that is done or enjoyed as a special pleasure] is a limited series of beers brewed every year with varying content. These ‘Indulgence’ brews are exclusive delights to be savoured at special moments or shared with special people.
Hopscure is the 4th taste expression released under this label to mark the 10th anniversary of 'Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor'. The refined balance between 5 hop types and roasted malts lends the beer a unique floral aroma and a pleasant bitterness at the finish.
Brouwerij Het Anker
Стиль: IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 50 IBU
Начало выпуска: 05.09.2018
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