Brouwerij Cornelissen

Herkenrode Vesper

Belgian Tripel • 6,8% ABV • 30 IBU
  • Herkenrode Vesper, SILVER MEDAL @ AIBA AWARDS 2018 !! From the foundation in 1182 till the French revolution the Cisterciënzers nuns brewed their own Abbey beer. One of the main reasons was the fact that drinking beer was much healthier then for instance drinking water. In 2009 the Abbey of Herkenrode and Brouwerij Cornelissen decided to bring back the centuries old tradition of the Herkenrode Abbey Beer according to the old original recipes for brewing the original Abbey beers of Herkenrode. This is one of the sole 23 official Belgian Abbey Beers! This official Belgian Abbey beer has an alcohol percentage of 9% alc. vol., a nice bitterness and a lightly cognac aftertaste. It is being brewed with 100% Saaz-Saaz hops. This beer is a natural product, only using malted barley, Saaz hops, water, yeast and natural resources. The ripening process of the malt and hops (Styrian Golding and East Kent Golding Sid) in the wooden barrels gives the beer a light touch of Vanilla and smoked food. The beer is filtered which gives it a nice clear colour. DETAILS BEER - strong tripel beer - high fermentation - refermentation in the bottle - no refermentation in the kegs - 9% Alc. vol.
  • Пивоварня: Brouwerij Cornelissen
  • Стиль: Belgian Tripel
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Горечь: 30 IBU
  • Производство: постоянный выпуск
  • Начало выпуска: 07.12.2017
  • Оценка: 3.525
Места продажи пива
Минск, ул. Герцена, 10
Телефон: +375 29 630-02-10
0,33 л. (Бутылка)
Br 35,00
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