Geuze Boon Sélection, To create Geuze on draft, Brewery Boon had to take the innovative steps to alter the formula creating a new lambic blend. They defined the characteristics of the lambic needed for the kegged Geuze targeting lambic from specific foeders which were best suited to the new specifications. This solution provides a way to keep keg pressure down and still produce a “keg conditioned” Geuze with a full-bodied taste and signature Geuze Boon sour fruitiness. This new formula presents a taste different to that of the bottled Geuze with less carbonation and a different mouth-feel experience.
Brouwerij Boon
Стиль: Lambic - Gueuze
Алкоголь: 6,3%
Начало выпуска: 01.02.2018
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