3 Fonteinen Oude Kriekenlambik (season 20|21) Blend No. 15
Lambic - Kriek
• 6,6% ABV
3 Fonteinen Oude Kriekenlambik (season 20|21) Blend No. 15, bottling date: 13/01/2021
This is not “any” Oude Kriek, this is Zéér Oude Kriekenlambik. Instead of using one- and two-year old lambik for maceration and blending, this time we used 36% three-year old lambik (yes, like in more than thirty-six months) and 58% two-year old lambik.
The lambikken come from twelve different barrels and eleven different brews. This blend consists of 60% 3 Fonteinen lambik. The final fruit is at 340 grams of sour cherries per litre of this Oude Kriek.
NL 3 Fonteinen Oude Kriekenlambik is de trage maceratie van volle krieken op traditionele lambik. Zonder toegevoegde sappen, siropen of zoetstoffen. Ongefilterd. Ongepasteuriseerd.
FR 3 Fonteinen Oude Kriekenlambik est la lente macération de griottes entières dans du lambik traditionnel. Sans jus, sirops ou édulcorants ajoutés. Non filtré. Non pasteurisé.
EN 3 Fonteinen Oude Kriekenlambik is the slow and all-natural maceration of whole sour cherries on traditional lambik. No addition of juices, syrups or artificial sweeteners. Unfiltered. Unpasteurised.
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen
Стиль: Lambic - Kriek
Алкоголь: 6,6%
Начало выпуска: 25.08.2021
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