3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Platinum Blend (season 20|21) Blend No. 41
Lambic - Gueuze
• 6,9% ABV
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Platinum Blend (season 20|21) Blend No. 41, bottling date: 07/04/21
This Platinum Blend is a blend of both jonge lambikken, two-year and four-year oude lambikken, originating from eight different brews and four different barrels. One fifth of the blend consists of lambikken brewed with our own sourced heirloom cereals from different spots in Brabant. The weighted average age of this blend is about 25 months, and the oldest lambik was brewed beginning of 2017.
With one brew, we used a local hop variety that we are trying to revive, called Groene Bel. 100% 3 Fonteinen brewed lambik.
NL 3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Platinum Blend is een assemblage van één tot (minstens 25%) vierjarige traditionele lambikken, gebrouwen door 3 Fonteinen. Ongefilterd en ongepasteuriseerd.
FR 3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Platinum Blend est un assemblage de lambikken traditionnels d’un jusqu’au (au moins 25%) de quatre ans d’âge, brassé par 3 Fonteinen. Non-filtré et non-pasteurisé.
EN 3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Platinum Blend is a blend of one- to at least 25% four-year-old traditional lambikken, brewed by 3 Fonteinen. Unfiltered and unpasteurized.
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen
Стиль: Lambic - Gueuze
Алкоголь: 6,9%
Начало выпуска: 24.01.2022
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