3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Cuvée Armand & Gaston (season 18|19) Blend No. 56
Lambic - Gueuze
• 6,8% ABV
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Cuvée Armand & Gaston (season 18|19) Blend No. 56, bottling date: 25/03/2019
This specific Cuvée Armand & Gaston was blended with lambikken from six different barrels and five different brews, of which the oldest was brewed in the first days of 2016, more than five and a half years prior to the release. Almost half of the blend consists of oude lambikken. This bottle has been aged for well over two full years in our own cellar, before being released.
EN 3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston is a blend of one-, two-, and three-year old lambics, all brewed at Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen. Bottle fermented, with long aging potential. Unfiltered and unpasteurised.
FR 3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston est un assemblage de lambics traditionnels, d’un, deux et trois ans d’âge, et à 100% brassé par Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen. Fermentation en bouteille et avec un potentiel de longue conservation. Non-filtré et non-pasteurisé.
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen
Стиль: Lambic - Gueuze
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 25.08.2021
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