Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen

3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel (season 19|20) Blend No. 41

Lambic - Gueuze • 6,0% ABV
  • 3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel (season 19|20) Blend No. 41, bottling date: 13/02/2020 “The one that knows it all, still has to be born” as Armand would say. From time to time, we still get surprised by some of the results after blending lambikken. Like this Golden Doesjel. While it was intended to be a Golden Blend, and despite the use of very potent jonge lambikken, the fermentation in the bottle did not continue. And it remained flat. This blend was made with lambikken from three barrels, originating from three brews with three different brewers (of which 50% 3 Fonteinen brewed lambik). A nice gentle sipper. NL 3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel is een assemblage van één tot (minstens 25%) vier jaar oude lambik. Spontaan vergist maar helaas niet meer in de fles. Gerijpt op eiken vaten. Lange bewaring op fles. Ongefilterd. Ongepasteuriseerd. FR 3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel est un assemblage de lambikken d’un jusqu’au (au moins 25%) de quatre ans d’âge. Fermenté spontanément, mais malheureusement plus dans la bouteille. Élevé en fûts de chêne. Longue conservation en bouteille. Non filtré. Non pasteurisé. EN 3 Fonteinen Golden Doesjel is a blend of one- to at least 25% four-year old lambikken. Spontaneously fermented but unfortunately not in the bottle any more. Matured in oak barrels. Extended bottle ageing. Unfiltered. Unpasteurized.
  • Пивоварня: Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen
  • Стиль: Lambic - Gueuze
  • Алкоголь: 6,0%
  • Начало выпуска: 19.08.2021
  • Оценка: N/A
Места продажи пива

Сейчас это пиво не продаётся в барах и магазинах в городе Минск.

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