3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek Dornfelder (season 21|22) Blend No. 28
Lambic - Fruit
• 6,7% ABV
3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek Dornfelder (season 21|22) Blend No. 28, bottling date: 08/02/2022
This Dornfelder/Kriek is a blend of kriekenlambic and grape lambic, in a 22/78 cut. The fruits macerated for a weighted average of almost six months. We used two-and three-year old lambics for maceration only as there was no backblending involved.
The lambics originate from three different barrels and thirteen different brews. The weighted average age of this blend is a good 20 months. The final fruit proportion is 486 grams of fruit used per litre of finished fruit lambic.
NL 3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek wordt bekomen door een opeenvolgende maceratie van druiven en krieken op lambik. Natuurlijk fruit, zonder toevoeging van siropen, of suikers. Ongefilterd en ongepasteuriseerd.
FR 3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek est le résultat de macérations successives avec des raisins et des griottes sur lambic. Du fruit naturel, sans sirops ou sucres ajoutés. Non-filtré et non pasteurisé.
EN 3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek is obtained by the successive maceration of grapes and cherries on lambic. Natural fruit, without the addition of syrups, or sugars. Unfiltered and unpasteurized.
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen
Стиль: Lambic - Fruit
Алкоголь: 6,7%
Начало выпуска: 05.09.2022
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