Abbaye de Saint Bon-Chien (2012), Don't be afraid of sour beers ! Love them !
L’Abbaye de Saint Bon-Chien is an antique beer, a strong sour ale with 11% abv aged in old wine oak barrels during one year. After the aging period, the different casks are blended together in order to obtain complexity and lots of flavors. St Bon-Chien is one of the world's flagship's sour beers coming from a mixed fermentation. It first ferments with wine yeast, then during the cask's maturation, lots of microorganisms coming from the casks change the beer's flavors' profile.
The best way to enjoy a good Bon-Chien is to serve it in a kind of wine glass or a Teku at about 16°C or 60.6°F paired with a duck breast or some panned foie gras for example. Don't hesitate to keep some bottles in your cellar and age it, I can remember a fantastic Bon-Chien 2004 that we shared with some friend after 9 years ...
Oh, I forgot it : Bon-Chien (Good Dog) was the first brewery's cat and she got holyfied when she died and became straight on Saint Bon-Chien. If you ever come and visit us, ask for it in French : "une Saint Bon-Ch' please" !
Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes (BFM)
Стиль: Sour - Other
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 10.11.2012
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