Cherry Chouffe, The gnomes love Achouffe beers and the juicy cherries which grow in their magical land. Every year they gather and store them in the attics at the brewery. One day, after an abundant season, the floor gave way under the weight of the harvest, and some cherries fell into the Mc CHOUFFE brewing below. Impish as ever, the gnomes kept quiet about the incident. Surprised to discover a glowing, ruby-tinted beer with a fruity taste, the master brewer decided to bottle it up. Enjoy Cherry CHOUFFE carefully to avoid staining your beard and always drink it in delightful company.
Brasserie d’Achouffe
Стиль: Fruit Beer
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 10 IBU
Начало выпуска: 18.11.2016
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