Brasserie Cantillon

Rosé De Gambrinus (2022)

Lambic - Framboise • 5,0% ABV
  • Rosé De Gambrinus (2022), The Rosé de Gambrinus Cantillon is obtained by macerating fresh raspberries in two years old Lambic. Its complex aromas and sour taste make this unique beer an excellent thirst-quencher. Keep at a temperature of 12-15• and serve at 6-7•. Beer with taste evolution. In order to fully appreciate the fruity taste of the Rosé de Gambrinus, it is best to drink it within one year after the purchase. To be drunk preferably within 10 years after the bottling date.
  • Пивоварня: Brasserie Cantillon
  • Стиль: Lambic - Framboise
  • Алкоголь: 5,0%
  • Начало выпуска: 22.01.2022
  • Оценка: N/A
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