The Padawan, The Padawan – Pale Ale
No. To make that clear. The Padawan has not been named after Star Wars. The identical name is pure coincidence, albeit a nice one. Padawan stands for “pale ale doing alright without a name” and was established in a 2014 online vote for a nameless Bierol pale ale. Today, The Padawan is not just a classic but also the No.1 of our core range. And there’s a reason for that: because The Padawan is incredibly fruity, really smooth and has everything a pale ale needs: the right amount (and that’s not exactly a small one) of high-quality hops, a fine and almost creamy feel in your mouth, a light amber body and slightly dry in the finish. But first and foremost: mango. In the nose, on the palate and it lingers. For a long time. A very long time. Crisp, fresh, light and with a distinct bitterness. By no means just a summer beer. Everybody’s favourite beer!
In brief:
The Padawan is not related to Star Wars
Pale ale with oat flakes
Fruity mango with refreshing finish
And that’s in it:
Malt: Pilsner, Carahell, Wheat
Hops: Mosaic and Citra
Yeast: House ale yeast
AND: oat flakes
Alc.: 5.6% abv
Original Gravity: 13°P
IBU: 45
Стиль: Pale Ale - American
Алкоголь: 5,6%
Горечь: 45 IBU
Начало выпуска: 21.02.2015
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