Farmageddon (Norfolk Montmorency Cherries) (2020), Farmageddon is our wild farmhouse ale that we've been brewing, blending, and aging for almost as many years as we've been open. The blending process allows us to maintain a common thread across batches, the aging adds nuanced layers, while the brett and bacteria work hard to create small idiosyncrasies in each release. It's a refined, effervescent, and delicious beer worthy of special occasions and idle weeknights.
And every so often we decide to age a batch with Montmorency cherries because sometimes the cliche "with a cherry on top" is both figurative and literal. Not to mention, delicious.
Lots of balanced acidity, distinct cherry aromatics and flavour
Bellwoods Brewery
Стиль: Wild Ale - American
Алкоголь: 6,1%
Начало выпуска: 13.11.2020
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