Ruud Peesch 2020, Danish Wild Ale With Red Vineyard Peaches aged for 12 months.
For the 2020 vintage, we sourced red vineyard peaches from a producer in France, as opposed to Germany. This varietal is a bit different than the Mosel varietal grown in Germany, but still delicious nonetheless.
The French crop have lower acidity and and larger fruit. The skin is also thinner, lending less phenolic compounds to the beer. 2020 vintage sees the best balance between the fruit, and the wild ale, which was aged for 12 months in oak prior to fruiting.
Higher in aroma and flavor than previous vintages, 2020 is sure to impress your tastebuds and bend the perception of what peach flavor can be!
Mikkeller Baghaven
Стиль: Wild Ale - Other
Алкоголь: 6,0%
Начало выпуска: 19.03.2021
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