OutSOURced Cherry, Great news! We met these cool guys from Létající Bezdomovec and sat down to come up with something new. But thinking hurts, so we outsourced that part to them. They came up with a grand idea of making a sour beer with sour cherries and we´ve NEIPA´ed it! And then we did what we do best. We brewed it. With hops and stuff. The result will please everyone who longs for a juicy and refreshing drink. Dense red-ish colour, thick body and mouthful feel goes amazingly well with the fruity sourness of juicy sour cherries that definitely were not picked off of the trees from our neighbours garden [waves friendly] and it´s aroma will make your mouth water from a mile away. A perfect choice for a hot summer evening.
Axiom Brewery
× Létající bezdomovec
Стиль: IPA - Sour
Алкоголь: 6,5%
Горечь: 15 IBU
Начало выпуска: 06.05.2021
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