Replicant DIPA, In November of 2018 we brewed our first IPA for the Mikkeller Beer Club. We liked it. You loved it. But the brew sheet and all records of how to brew the Baboon got lost in time, like tears in rain. After several successful Voight-Kampff tests we decided to give this Nexus-6-Baboon our DIPA-treatment instead of trying to duplicate the original. We also increased the flavor and aroma with a massive double dry hopping regime. The result is an impeccably crafted hop-lord DIPA bursting with notes of mango, grapefruit and pineapple with a vibrant juicy finish worthy a Tyrell Corporation board meeting. Please note that all of our beers are programmed with the Methuselah Syndrome and hops fade fast - store cold and drink fresh!
Apex Brewing Company
Стиль: IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 22.04.2020
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