Broken Arrow IPA, This is the bomb, the Tsar Bomba of hoppy beers. Broken Arrow IPA is a New England style IPA brewed with liberal amounts of naked oats and three(!) different types of wheat, creating a sweet, thick and pillowy mouthfeel. Dry hopped with Mosaic, Motueka and (our new favorite) BRU-1 for a well-blended flavor combo of papaya, perfectly ripe cantaloupe, sweet mango and a pithy citrus-note ready to launch a nuclear attack on you brain’s reward centre as soon as you crack open the can. Initiated sources say this might be the best IPA we’ve brewed so far. Malts:Maris Otter Extra Pale, Naked Oats, Flaked Wheat, Torrefied Wheat & Spelt Malt.Hops:Columbus, Mosaic, Motueka & BRU-1.Yeast:WLP066 London Fog
Apex Brewing Company
Стиль: IPA - New England / Hazy
Алкоголь: 6,5%
Columbus, Mosaic, Motueka, BRU-1
постоянный выпуск
Начало выпуска: 15.12.2020
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