  • Edel 'Spezialbier', If you like a more malty beer with a lovely pillowy head, a deep gold colour and packed with malt, Edel is the one for you! A pale straw color with golden hints and a velvety white frothy head which reduces gently to some light lacing. To the nose, Edel is mostly hops mixed with a biscuit sweetness and a freshly baked bread aroma with a hint of some sweet apples and pears. On the tongue, you’ll notice the slightly toasted malts and light floral hops which start with light biscuit malts, before a sweetness, to form a buttery bitter finish. Easily drinkable. Crisp and refreshing.
  • Пивоварня: ABK (Aktienbrauerei Kaufbeuren)
  • Стиль: Lager - Dortmunder / Export
  • Алкоголь: 5,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 06.01.2011
  • Оценка: 3.446
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